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What do you need right now? Magnesium to help your achy butt after Pilates, help to get more sleep or are you pregnant and suffering those leg curling cramps? Shop our curated products for your concern below:


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I'm on a mission to weave Magnesium into every busy persons world. As a Pharmacist and busy mum to 3 boys I know that if you only have time to do one thing for your health and wellbeing you should make it Magnesium. Safe, purposeful and made with only the most natural ingredients The Base Collective products are designed to fit seamlessly into one’s life no matter who you are. With Magnesium being involved in over 300 processes within the body there’s no wonder it’s one of the key minerals in overall body health. *Research shows however that over 70% of the population are deficient in Magnesium. That’s where The Base Collective comes in. As one of Australia’s leading Magnesium-companies, I pride myself on combining Magnesium with other non-toxic ingredients to care for your skin, your body and your overall wellness. Whether it’s balancing skin, relieving sore muscles or promoting restful sleep, The Base Collective’s Magnesium based products offer a ‘no nasties’ way for you to help your body thrive. Let's make it easy for you to get your Magnesium. 

Cassie Sanghvi

Pharmacist and Founder of The Base Collective

Magnesium Chloride Flakes by The Base Collective open packet pouring into an open palm against white background.


  • Poor sleep
  • Stress
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Low mood and poor concentration
  • Poor recovery
  • Bloating
  • Restless Legs
  • Muscle Cramps

Getting enough magnesium could be transformative in improving your health and wellbeing. We make it easy for you to prioritise Magnesium with products you will use everyday.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Common Side Effects of Melatonin

Common Side Effects of Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle. It is produced by the pineal gland, a small gland located in the brain, and its primary function is to signal t...

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Magnesium Spray for your feet blog tile with feet on peach background

Why Should I Use Magnesium Spray on My Feet Before Bed?

As a pharmacist, one question I have been asked a lot  is, "Why should I spray my feet with magnesium spray before bed?" I think we can thank Tik Tok for all the feet video's being sprayed for thi...

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Man on bed with restless legs with text re blog on restless legs and magnesium spray

Understanding Restless Legs Syndrome and the Role of Magnesium Spray.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move the legs, often accompanied by uncomfortable sensations. These sensations are typically descr...

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